Letters of Support
“…Elm Court has been the subject of various unsuccessful attempts to make it a viable concern. Indeed, for much of the past have-century the house has been vacant and in serious decline. We understand that a very large investment will be necessary to save Elm Court and that the current applicants before the Selectmen are prepared to make that investment. We fear that rejection of their application would lead to further decline and potential loss of Elm Court. We encourage the Selectmen to give substantial consideration to the great and unique architectural and historical significance of Elm Court and to its precarious status, in considering the present application.””
“…the developers (through siting, etc) have done a good job at minimizing much of the potential impact of the project. And, the traffic studies seem convincing that this issue, while not trivial, is within bounds for our community. Mostly, I think that a project of this scale, given the care with which it has been developed, as good for Stockbridge and well within its character…Approving a development that offers a range of career opportunies locally can only help the vitality and diversity of our community. This, I believe is in the long-term interest of our town.”
“The project will create many jobs, hire local services and bring in skilled people who will buy homes, raise their family here and support our economy. This business will attract people from all over the world who will spend money in our towns. I find it sad that a few neighbors on Old Stockbridge Road are fighting the wrong battle. Why not support this project and ask for a sidewalk?....There isn’t a town in the U.S. that wouldn’t be excited to have a business like this come to their area.”
“…the [White Pines Condominium Trust] fully supports the [application to establish a resort at Elm Court.”
Interested in writing a support letter of your own? We'd love to hear from you.